All Videos
Post date | Title | Video category | SDG | Original Language | Language | Country | |
17.07.2017 | O papel de um monitor dentro e fora da escola | Education | 2: ACABAR COM A FOME, 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE | Portuguese | Portugais, Brésil | Brazil | |
17.07.2017 | Pedagogia da alternância, a porta de horizontes. | Education | 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE | Portuguese | Portugais, Brésil | Brazil | |
15.07.2017 | O Jovem e a Comunidade. | Education | Portuguese | Portugais, Brésil | Brazil | ||
30.06.2017 | Grandes mudanças começam com pequenas ações | Genre | 5: IGUALDADE DE GËNERO | Spanish | Portugais, Brésil | Guatemala | |
12.06.2017 | What about Preserving the Culture of the Countryside? | Cultural Identity | Portuguese | Anglais | Brazil | ||
12.06.2017 | Que tal preservar a Cultura Camponesa? | Cultural Identity | Portuguese | Portugais, Brésil | Brazil | ||
13.05.2017 | La educación es la mejor arma para cambiar el mundo | Productive projects | 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD | Spanish | Espagnol | Guatemala | |
13.05.2017 | La Vida es única, Disfrútala | Environmental | 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD, 8: TRABAJO DECENTE Y CRECIMENTO ECONÓMICO, 11: CIUDADES Y COMUNIDADES SOSTENIBLES | Spanish | Espagnol | Guatemala | |
13.05.2017 | El Medio Ambiente | Environmental | 13: ACCIÓN POR EL CLIMA | Spanish | Espagnol | Guatemala | |
09.05.2017 | La vie dans les arbres | Environmental | 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ, 13 : MESURES RELATIVES À LA LUTTE CONTRE LES CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES, 15 : VIE TERRESTRE | Spanish | Français | Honduras | |
09.05.2017 | Cambio Climático em Honduras | Environmental | 13: AÇÃO CONTRA A MUDANÇA GLOBAL DO CLIMA, 15: VIDA NA TERRA | Spanish | Portugais, Brésil | Honduras | |
23.04.2017 | La Foire Pédagogique de l’École Famille Agricole | Education | 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ | Portuguese | Français | Brazil | |
12.04.2017 | Familie Landbouwscholen maken van dromen werkelijkheid | Education | 4: KWALITEITSONDERWIJS | Portuguese | Néerlandais | Brazil | |
10.04.2017 | Parem o assedio sexual ! A historia de Lirandzo. | Genre | 5: IGUALDADE DE GËNERO | Portuguese | Portugais, Brésil | Mozambique | |
16.03.2017 | Organic farming as a profitable business in the Philippines. | Rural development | 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES | English | Anglais | Philippines | |
05.03.2017 | School Dropout | Citizenship | 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES | Portuguese | Anglais | Brazil | |
03.03.2017 | Evasão escolar | Citizenship | 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE | Portuguese | Portugais, Brésil | Brazil | |
23.02.2017 | Impact from Family Visits on Rural Family Schools in Mozambique | Education | Portuguese | Anglais | Mozambique | ||
23.02.2017 | Impacto das visitas às famílias nas escolas familiares rurais de Moçambique. | Education | Portuguese | Portugais, Brésil | Mozambique | ||
21.02.2017 | The setting up of Permaculture in the agricultural school of Oeiras,PIaui, Brazil | Education | 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION | Portuguese | Anglais | Brazil | |
20.02.2017 | Contra el Bullying en Guatemala | Other | 3: SALUD E BIENESTAR, 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD, 10: REDUCCIÓN DE LAS DESIGUALDADES, 16: PAZ, JUSTICIA Y INSTITUCIONES SÓLIDAS | Spanish | Espagnol | Guatemala | |
20.02.2017 | Bullying : Me or You? | Education | Portuguese | Anglais | Brazil | ||
20.02.2017 | Permacultura, uma experiencia na EFA de Oeiras, Piaui | Education | 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE, 12: CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS | Portuguese | Portugais, Brésil | Brazil | |
15.02.2017 | Sex Workers and Social Discrimination. | Genre | 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES | Portuguese | Anglais | Mozambique | |
15.02.2017 | Fraco acesso aos serviços para trabalhadores de sexo | Other | 10: REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES | Portuguese | Portugais, Brésil | Mozambique | |
13.02.2017 | Planten van aardappelen voor het oogsten van hoop. | Productive projects | 3: GOEDE GEZONDHEID EN WELZIJN, 12. VERANTWOORDE CONSUMPTIE EN PRODUCTIE, 17: PARTNERSCHAPPEN OM DOELSTELLINGEN TE BEREIKEN | Spanish | Néerlandais | Honduras | |
13.02.2017 | Semer des pommes de terre, récolter de l´espoir | Productive projects | 3 : BONNE SANTÉ ET BIEN-ÊTRE, 12 CONSOMMATION ET PRODUCTION RESPONSABLE, 17 : PARTENARIATS POUR LA RÉALISATION DES OBJECTIFS | Spanish | Français | Honduras | |
13.02.2017 | Planting potatoes, harvesting hope | Productive projects | 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS | Spanish | Anglais | Honduras | |
13.02.2017 | Sembrando papa .. cosechando esperanzas | Productive projects | 3: SALUD E BIENESTAR, 12 PRODUCCIÓN Y CONSUMO RESPONSABLE, 17: ALIANZAS PARA LOGRAR LOS OBJETIVOS | Spanish | Espagnol | Honduras | |
13.02.2017 | Biodiversity here and now. | Environmental | 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 15: LIFE ON LAND | English | Anglais | Philippines |
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