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Post datetrier par ordre croissant Title Video category SDG Original Language Language Country
03.03.2025 Embedded thumbnail for The Seed House The Seed House Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Portuguese Anglais Brazil
03.03.2025 Embedded thumbnail for Goat farming Goat farming Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Portuguese Anglais Brazil
03.03.2025 Embedded thumbnail for An Education that Transforms Lives An Education that Transforms Lives Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Portuguese Anglais Brazil
01.03.2025 Embedded thumbnail for Mandala System Mandala System Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Portuguese Anglais Brazil
22.02.2025 Embedded thumbnail for Sistema Mandala Sistema Mandala Education 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE, 15: VIDA NA TERRA Portuguese Portugais, Brésil Brazil
22.02.2025 Embedded thumbnail for Casa de Sementes Casa de Sementes Education 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE, 15: VIDA NA TERRA Portuguese Portugais, Brésil Brazil
22.02.2025 Embedded thumbnail for Caprinocultura Caprinocultura 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE, 15: VIDA NA TERRA Portuguese Portugais, Brésil Brazil
22.02.2025 Embedded thumbnail for Quintal Produtivo: transformando a vida da família camponesa Quintal Produtivo: transformando a vida da família camponesa 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE, 15: VIDA NA TERRA Portuguese Portugais, Brésil
22.02.2025 Embedded thumbnail for Uma Educação que transforma Vidas Uma Educação que transforma Vidas Education 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE, 15: VIDA NA TERRA Portuguese Portugais, Brésil Brazil
15.02.2025 Embedded thumbnail for ¿Qué tal preservar la cultura campesina? ¿Qué tal preservar la cultura campesina? Cultural Identity Portuguese Espagnol Brazil
13.12.2024 Embedded thumbnail for La educación de los niños en las zonas rurales de Benín La educación de los niños en las zonas rurales de Benín Education 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD Français Espagnol Bénin
30.11.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Educatief centrum in Nicaragua Educatief centrum in Nicaragua Education Spanish Néerlandais Nicaragua
29.11.2024 Embedded thumbnail for The impact of storytelling in school The impact of storytelling in school Education English Anglais Cameroun
29.11.2024 Embedded thumbnail for The impact of storytelling in his school The impact of storytelling in his school Education 4: KWALITEITSONDERWIJS English Anglais Cameroun
28.11.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Herinner je je dit? Herinner je je dit? Other 3: GOEDE GEZONDHEID EN WELZIJN Portuguese Néerlandais Brazil
28.11.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Remember this? Remember this? Other 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING Portuguese Anglais Brazil
13.11.2024 Embedded thumbnail for La aventura de mudanza La aventura de mudanza Cultural Identity Dutch Espagnol Belgium
12.11.2024 Embedded thumbnail for The Adventure Of Moving The Adventure Of Moving Cultural Identity Dutch Anglais Belgium
12.11.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Children's Education in rural Benin Children's Education in rural Benin Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION Français Anglais Bénin
12.11.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Onderwijs voor kinderen in landelijk Benin Onderwijs voor kinderen in landelijk Benin Education 4: KWALITEITSONDERWIJS Français Néerlandais Bénin
29.10.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Escaping Dictatorship: The Portuguese Migration to France Escaping Dictatorship: The Portuguese Migration to France Citizenship 16. VREDE, VEILIGHEID EN RECHTVAARDIGHEID, 17: PARTNERSCHAPPEN OM DOELSTELLINGEN TE BEREIKEN English Néerlandais Belgium
09.10.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Compromisos comunitarios ante el cambio climático en Benin Compromisos comunitarios ante el cambio climático en Benin Environmental 13: ACCIÓN POR EL CLIMA Français Espagnol Bénin
09.10.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Compromissos da Comunidade com as Mudanças Climáticas em Benin Compromissos da Comunidade com as Mudanças Climáticas em Benin Environmental 13: AÇÃO CONTRA A MUDANÇA GLOBAL DO CLIMA Français Portugais, Brésil Bénin
09.10.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Plantando batatas .. colhetando esperanças Plantando batatas .. colhetando esperanças Productive projects 3: VIDA SAÚDÁVEL E BEM ESTAR PARA TODOS, 12: CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS, 17: PARCERIAS E MEIOS DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO Spanish Portugais, Brésil Honduras
09.10.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Inzet van de wijken ten aanzien van klimaatverandering in Benin Inzet van de wijken ten aanzien van klimaatverandering in Benin Environmental 13: KLIMAATACTIE Français Néerlandais Bénin
16.09.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Les CEFFA et la promotion de l'auto-emploi des jeunes au Cameroun. Les CEFFA et la promotion de l'auto-emploi des jeunes au Cameroun. Education 1 PAS DE PAUVRETÉ, 2: FAIM « ZÉRO », 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ Français Français Cameroun
01.08.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Censura literária na Espanha de Franco Censura literária na Espanha de Franco Citizenship 16: PAZ, JUSTIÇA E INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES English Portugais, Brésil Belgium
02.07.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Échapper à la dictature : la migration portugaise vers la France Échapper à la dictature : la migration portugaise vers la France Citizenship 3 : BONNE SANTÉ ET BIEN-ÊTRE, 16: PAIX, JUSTICE ET INSTITUTIONS EFFICACES English Français Belgium
02.07.2024 Embedded thumbnail for El Poder de las Competencias Interculturales El Poder de las Competencias Interculturales Cultural Identity 10: REDUCCIÓN DE LAS DESIGUALDADES, 16: PAZ, JUSTICIA Y INSTITUCIONES SÓLIDAS English Espagnol Belgium
02.07.2024 Embedded thumbnail for The Power of Intercultural Skills The Power of Intercultural Skills Citizenship 10: ONGELIJKHEID VERMINDEREN, 16. VREDE, VEILIGHEID EN RECHTVAARDIGHEID English Néerlandais Belgium


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