Vidéos en vedette
Recent Podcasts
Get to know us
Director of Comundos Bart Vetsuypens is interviewed in this podcast. He explains how the non-profit got started in 2014, and talks about the work that it continues to do in the areas of media literacy and digital storytelling.
Workshop Digital Storytelling in South Africa: During the workshop, the participants acquired skills on media literacy and brainstormed on their topics. They wrote the text and gave feedback to their peers, looked for appropriate images, music and recorded the ´voice over´. They edited their video with open source software and reflected on how they can further apply their gained skills in their organization.
Un cadeau pour Comundos
Depuis des années, Comundos aide les communautés isolées à travers le monde en leur enseignant la pensée critique, l'éducation aux médias et l'utilisation des technologies de la communication. Pour y parvenir, nous avons besoin de votre soutien pour les ordinateurs, les traductions, les cours et la gestion des médias sociaux.
Nous vous remercions d’avance !
Comundos - Banque Crelan
BE11 1030 2973 8248