4. Quality educationQuality education

Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.
SDG4 in the classroom Read more on SDG4


Post date Title Video Category Country SDG
19.11.2017 Embedded thumbnail for The power of communication to overcome discrimination The power of communication to overcome discrimination Citizenship Spain 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS
15.03.2021 Embedded thumbnail for The production of juice made from guinea sorrel The production of juice made from guinea sorrel Productive projects Cameroon 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
09.04.2020 Embedded thumbnail for The Role of a Monitor Inside and Outside the School. The Role of a Monitor Inside and Outside the School. Education Brazil 2: ZERO HUNGER, 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
03.03.2025 Embedded thumbnail for The Seed House The Seed House Education Brazil 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 15: LIFE ON LAND
21.02.2017 Embedded thumbnail for The setting up of Permaculture in the agricultural school of Oeiras,PIaui, Brazil The setting up of Permaculture in the agricultural school of Oeiras,PIaui, Brazil Education Brazil 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION
17.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for The story of beekeeping at the Institute For Rural Entrepreneurship (IRE), Nkambe, Cameroon. The story of beekeeping at the Institute For Rural Entrepreneurship (IRE), Nkambe, Cameroon. Education Cameroon 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
29.06.2019 Embedded thumbnail for The Use of Green Wood for Furnitures in Honduras The Use of Green Wood for Furnitures in Honduras Education Honduras 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION
14.12.2016 Embedded thumbnail for The young girl from Bertoua in Cameroon. The young girl from Bertoua in Cameroon. Gender Cameroon 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 5: GENDER EQUALITY
22.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Towards the Privatization of Education: the case of Greece. Towards the Privatization of Education: the case of Greece. Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
27.11.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Training young people to become actors in the development of their territory. Training young people to become actors in the development of their territory. Education Brazil 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES
