The Use of Green Wood for Furnitures in Honduras

The Use of Green Wood for Furnitures in Honduras
Achieving a decent life and at the same time protecting the forest has always been a challenge. In Honduras, Rosario says that contextualized education and training of youth in skills appropriate to the needs of their rural way of life and few resources to invest in machines, is the key to solve many problems.
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Rosario Ayestas
Saturday, June 29, 2019

My name is Rosario Ayestas. My aim is to encourage people to reflect about the need for training and development of young people in Honduras by seeking alternatives for the appreciation of the broadleaf forest, and at the same time strengthening local economic capacities.

The educational family centre CEFEDH is located approximately 237 km from Tegucigalpa in the indigenous community, Pech de Santa Maria del Carbón.
This center which is the operational unit of  the network of agrcultural schools, supported by INFOP (Ministry of Education of Honduras) and  operates with the support of  the families. 
It provides training for young people in the production of furniture and other items are made of green wood.
This is the forest where the wood comes from.
In order to execute the production process there is no electricity required. Instead, they use the tree which is known as "cola de pava". 
And for weaving the seat and backrest they use the bark of the wild cherry tree.
A sharper is used to prepare the initial wood.
When the woorden piece is set in the wheel it runs by ´cycling´,  in accordance with the selected design.

The bark where the furniture is made of comes from the chokecherry tree, coming from forests in the area.
The furniture that is made, is handcrafted and manufactured following a technical plan.

The furniture is made by people who have been custodians of the forest throughout history

They are indigenous people working on common ground. We should adopt the good practices for the protection and conservation of the environment.
This work makes valuable contributions to the reduction of poverty in certain sectors of our country.

Translated by Ana Sherryi and Steffie Meuris.


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