University for Whom?

University for Whom?
In this video by the student Sandro Silva, from Recife, Pernambuco, he reports that in his family and among his relatives and associates, there was no one with higher education in the neighbourhood.
Video Duration: 
Sandro Aprendiz
Monday, May 25, 2015

Who is University for?

There was no one in my family who had graduated from a university! None of my friends or even acquaintances have a higher education! No one on my street, in my community!!

I hoped one day to be a Psychologist.

Many people tried to discourage me saying that University was not for the poor, I kept insisting! Where I studied, no classmate tried the university entrance exam.

Why not?

At the Pernambuco Federal University, (UFPE), I discovered that very few of the students were from public schools, like I was. The more professions are well paid, the fewer students from public schools are found at the University.

Few... Poor – Afro-descendant.  Little diversity.  Little Ethnicity!

When I joined UFPE I realised that it really seems made more for the rich than for the poor. The greater part of the Afro-descendants that I saw were cleaners, pedlars and security at the University. Very few Afro-descendants as teachers and students!

The Afro-descendant Movement - composed of students, teachers, civil servants and other social activists began to organise themselves to support greater social inclusion in higher education! We learned that Law is not a favour. It is Justice.

Justice Is Government of the People (Democracy)! It is the Common/Public Good above personal (private) interests. Republic means Public Thing. Doesn't  it?

Today, having graduated, I see a more plural, diverse, public university! New challenges are arising, new dreams are being realised.


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