Introduction of SDG lesson plans

Introduction of SDG lesson plans

In our interconnected world, understanding global challenges is crucial. By integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into education, we not only create informed global citizens but also empower the next generation to be catalysts for transformative change. That is why we design SDG lessons, to inspire teachers, worldwide. We also offer 27 "pedagogical twists" as flexible tools to inject creativity and adaptability into teaching.


More information about SDG Lesson Plans

These lesson plans are designed to explore the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 global objectives aimed at addressing pressing issues and building a sustainable future for all. Sustainable Development Goals are the outcome of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which was unanimously adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. It outlines a collective framework for fostering peace and prosperity for both people and the planet, both in the present and the future. In an era where the world is more interconnected than ever, it is imperative to foster an understanding of the challenges we collectively face and inspire action for positive change.

By integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into education, we not only create informed global citizens but also empower the next generation to be catalysts for transformative change. Therefore, we have allocated a distinct lesson plan to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 

​Moreover, recognizing that every classroom is unique, we present 27 "pedagogical twists" designed to inject creativity, engagement, and adaptability into your teaching approach. These twists are not mere additions but flexible tools to help you tailor lessons according to your students' grade level, individual needs, and your distinctive teaching style.

As educators, we play a pivotal role in shaping the mindset of future leaders, environmental stewards, and compassionate citizens. By instilling a sense of purpose rooted in global awareness, we can collectively work towards a sustainable and harmonious world.

About the creators

The SDG lesson plans were originally conceived by Giovanna Quaranta, an intern at Comundos. Following the completion of her internship, the responsibility for revising, updating, and implementing the plans was passed to subsequent interns, Eleni Kougentaki and Linmei Yu. Supported by teachers associated with Comundos and Bart Vetsuypens, these lesson plans have been successfully brought to life. We also want to express our gratitude to the creators of digital stories. The stories they shared provide meaningful teaching materials to stimulate students to think and discuss.

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