The evolution of basic education in Tontoles, Jocotán

The evolution of basic education in Tontoles, Jocotán
Luis Beltrán, a teacher at NUFED No. 183 in Tontoles, symbolizes the determination of a community that fought for the possibility of education. Despite limited resources and lack of support from the government, the members of the community established their own school with perseverance and support from local leaders.
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Luis Beltran
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Hello, I am Luis Beltrán, and I work as a teacher at NUFED No. 183 in the Tontoles village. This village is located 26 km from the municipality of Jocotán, a community that has always fought for its development.   

Previously, the community didn’t have access to basic education since there were neither resources nor government support. Thanks to the constant effort of their leaders, an educational center (NUFED) was approved in 2005. It first operated in a private house since they had no building of their own. One single teacher attended to more than 50 young people from four different communities. These young people walked long distances to get to the school regardless of weather and road conditions, because they wanted to succeed academically.    

After a while, thanks to the municipality, the community, and the students, they were able to construct their own building. This motivated the young people to study, which helped increase the student population. They also contribute to the development of their families by advancing professionally.  

NUFED No. 183 is still running, even though there is no proper furniture. Nine classes have graduated from this institute and most of them have continued their studies to become successful professionals and contribute to the development of their communities. 


Translation: Asmae Maataoui

Revision: Ingrid Inkindi Dusenge 


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