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Post datetrier par ordre croissant Title Video category SDG Original Language Language Country
18.07.2016 Embedded thumbnail for The Path to Development The Path to Development Rural development 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Spanish Anglais Guatemala
14.07.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Belen Stories Belen Stories Other Spanish Anglais Guatemala
14.07.2016 Embedded thumbnail for The Value of a Father The Value of a Father Other 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Spanish Anglais Guatemala
04.07.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Giving a helping hand to the planet Giving a helping hand to the planet Environmental 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION, 15: LIFE ON LAND, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS Spanish Anglais Guatemala
04.07.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Austrian immigrants in Brazil Austrian immigrants in Brazil Cultural Identity 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Portuguese Anglais Brazil
04.07.2016 Embedded thumbnail for No to the destruction of the Gulf of Fonseco, Honduras No to the destruction of the Gulf of Fonseco, Honduras Environmental 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 13: CLIMATE ACTION, 14: LIFE BELOW WATER, 15: LIFE ON LAND Spanish Anglais Honduras
31.05.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Valorising Popular Culture Valorising Popular Culture Cultural Identity Portuguese Anglais Brazil
27.05.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Family agricultural schools making dreams come true. Family agricultural schools making dreams come true. Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION Portuguese Anglais Brazil
19.05.2016 Embedded thumbnail for About Comundos About Comundos Organization English Anglais Brazil
27.04.2016 Embedded thumbnail for A look from the Caatinga ( Brazil) A look from the Caatinga ( Brazil) Environmental 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 13: CLIMATE ACTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Portuguese Anglais Brazil
10.04.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Stop Sexual Harassment. The Story of Lirandzo. Stop Sexual Harassment. The Story of Lirandzo. Genre 5: GENDER EQUALITY Portuguese Anglais Mozambique
27.02.2016 Embedded thumbnail for “Country Education, Our Right, State Obligation”. “We Exist”. “Country Education, Our Right, State Obligation”. “We Exist”. Education Portuguese Anglais Brazil
21.12.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Persistent hope of a self made Agri-Veterinarian Persistent hope of a self made Agri-Veterinarian Rural development 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES English Anglais Philippines
05.12.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Precocious Pregnancies Precocious Pregnancies Genre 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 5: GENDER EQUALITY Portuguese Anglais Brazil
18.10.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Loss of Land and Culture Loss of Land and Culture Environmental 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 13: CLIMATE ACTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Spanish Anglais Guatemala
14.09.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Social engagement and autonomy of women in Bahia, Brazil. Social engagement and autonomy of women in Bahia, Brazil. Genre 5: GENDER EQUALITY Portuguese Anglais Brazil
02.09.2015 Embedded thumbnail for An Untold Story about drought and ´El Niño´ An Untold Story about drought and ´El Niño´ Environmental 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 13: CLIMATE ACTION English Anglais Philippines
26.07.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Natural resources and their exploitation. Natural resources and their exploitation. Environmental Spanish Anglais Guatemala
04.07.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Sustainable use of natural resources of the forest. Sustainable use of natural resources of the forest. Environmental 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Portuguese Anglais Mozambique
09.05.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Living with the trees Living with the trees Environmental 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 13: CLIMATE ACTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Spanish Anglais Honduras
23.04.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Educational fair of the agricultural school, EFASC Educational fair of the agricultural school, EFASC Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION Portuguese Anglais Brazil
31.03.2015 Embedded thumbnail for From school we learn to be auto-sustainable to sustain our families. From school we learn to be auto-sustainable to sustain our families. Education 2: ZERO HUNGER, 4: QUALITY EDUCATION Spanish Anglais Guatemala
06.02.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Climate Change in Honduras Climate Change in Honduras Environmental 13: CLIMATE ACTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Spanish Anglais Honduras


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