Remember this?
This is our mind.
This is Esther’s.
Like almost everyone, she was born, grew up, dated, worked and had lots of dreams.
One day she begins to forget things.
Do you know what that is?
Because she doesn't.
And things that we do almost automatically.
She can't do anymore.
There were times when she would eat and a few minutes later would say,“It has been three weeks since I ate anything”
Esther never again thought like she used to. And just like Esther there are many Marias, Joãos, Fernandas and Silvios
And you, what importance do you give to your Memory ?
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Over the years, Comundos has helped remote communities around the world by teaching critical thinking, media literacy and the use of communication technology.
To do this effectively, we need your support for computers, translations, courses and social media management.
Thank you .
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