“Kitchen Gardens” are a solution to malnutrition in Rwanda
Malnutrition is a serious problem in Rwanda. Thirty-eight per cent of Rwandans suffer from malnutrition.
It’s essentially mothers and their young of 5 years or less who are the most malnourished. The state has released the necessary funds to eradicate the problem.
The NGO for which I work has a program to install a Kitchen Garden in each beneficiary’s household.
My involvement consists mainly in working with the most vulnerable households of the rural regions of the southern province of Rwanda. As is the case elsewhere, child malnutrition causes physical and mental suffering, slows growth, diminishes life expectancy and increases infant death. The Kitchen Gardens present diverse advantages over vegetable gardens.
They are installed closer to the kitchen, making it easier for women to prepare the meals. They can rinse the produce easily using water from the kitchen. Vegetables can be had all year round and are organic.
Production is reserved for family use. Any surplus can be directed to the local supermarket amd contributes to the family’s revenue. Good housekeeping practices such as mulching, morning and evening watering during dry season, and preventive care are required to keep the kitchen garden productive and sustainable.
In this way, Kitchen Gardens will have contributed to eradicating malnutrition by improving household diet thanks to the preparation of well balanced meals.
This English translation has been possible thanks to the PerMondo project: Free translation of website and documents for non-profit organisations. A project managed by Mondo Agit. Translator: Alberic Djomaki Proofreader: 'Karen Pawson'
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