A Healthy Life Depends on Clean Water !!!

A Healthy Life Depends on Clean Water !!!
Water is our greatest good! The universalisation of its access is fundamental for families and their ability to have autonomy and a greater quality of life.
Video Duration: 
Luciana Borges
Friday, November 11, 2016

A Healthy Life Depends on Clean Water !!!

Hi, my name is Luciana Borges. I was born in the interior of the State of Bahia. My father is a farmer and my mother is a teacher.

For many years my family lived without access to potable water and electricity. The water we drank was from small waterholes on our land, where the animals also quenched their thirst. Our daily routine was to fetch water very early, because if the animals arrived first the water would be muddy and dirty. To drink this water we had to treat it with chlorine and then filter it. And even then, we risked getting sick. And when the drought came, the waterholes dried up, and our only option was to ask the farmers for water, which they frequently refused.


With great difficulty the community obtained financial resources from NGOs to build cisterns for storing water for consumption; later on the community set up a revolving fund that helped many needy families. Our joy was when we were able to fulfil our dream of building a cistern. Now we must pray for the rain to come soon so that it would fill up. And that is what happened.

After that we had clean water to drink, and the animals no longer dirtied our water. Our job now is to keep the water catchment system always clean. With the cistern we have gained health and have stopped walking long distances in the hot sun, carrying the weight of the water. Water is our greatest good! The universalisation of its access is fundamental for families and their ability to have autonomy and a greater quality of life.


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